shadow x加速器

shadow x加速器

shadow x加速器

At the centre of our world lies the Box. It’s a small, friendly, internet-connected, Raspberry Pi-powered thing, and has speakers inside. When you place a museum object on it, an audio response will play.

It’s simple, versatile, and portable. So simple in fact before too long you’ll realise this flexibility lets you fill the Box with any story you can think of.

5G的到来越来越近了 “Wi-Fi将死”并非危言耸听 - · 5G的到来越来越近了 “Wi-Fi将死”并非危言耸听 “随着5G应用的落地和相应资费的下调,Wi-Fi所具有的这些优势都将被弱化,在某种程度上来说‘Wi-Fi将死’这一判断并非危言耸听。

who used our British Museum box

The Box also needs Collections. That’s what we call the set of 3D prints or postcards you use to trigger those stories. Every object has a little metal (NFC) sticker attached, and the Box recognises that to play its story.

  • 小路由器走红网络 可提高网速且能“翻墙” - · 这种加速功能会不会影响其他用户,造成网络的更大拥塞? 他认为,这种加速是根据用户许可来进行的,简单来说,就是区分是否热门应用和闲忙时 ...
  • Review more Testimonials like Freya’s
  • And there are “Make Your Own” Collections too, made by people using MYO kits you can explore on our web platform, called the “Heart” ❤️

shadow x加速器

Our shop is open. Please consider getting one of our Make Your Own Kits – they’re super fun, and will keep young folks occupied, if they’re this way inclined.

Here’s a short list of museum-y “At Home” project ideas for you to try too. (They don’t require a Box.)

里斯本欲借力国际网络峰会打造“欧洲硅谷”:通过提供办公场所与免费法律咨询推动创业的非赢利机构Beta-i公司创始人Marvao认为,当有十几个创业者几个月之 内就能募集到 5到10万欧元时,投资者就会对这里感兴趣,而有了网络峰会,里斯本就要热起来了。 值得注意的是,许多葡萄牙新伋业由外国人

Stay at home! Wash your hands!

shadow x加速器

There are two ways to work with us: you can purchase a Make Your Own kit from our online shop, and/or commission us to develop a fantastic, fun, compelling Collection for you and your audience.

We can also help you with training in the various aspects of creating a collection, like 3D Modelling or a Training Day to get you started with Make Your Own.

  • Learn more about Make Your Own
  • Visit our online shop!!!
  • Our client list

shadow x加速器

We’ve worked with organisations all over the world, from Bloomington to KwaZulu-Natal. Our anchor partner is the Smithsonian Institution Libraries and we’ve worked some other biggies like the V&A, British Museum, and Historic Royal Palaces.

Educators are seeing the potential of Museum in a Box to help students learn, and develop their creativity. Using object-based learning projects, students can develop their 21st Century skills, and progress through the Bloom’s Taxonomy framework, where students grow from remembering through to synthesis in their studies.

Our Educator Make Your Own kit is our most popular product, and comes with a growing library of “Getting Started” guides, for primary, secondary and adult learners.

Kids exploring the Smithsonian Libraries’ History of STEM collection in Washington DC, 2018

shadow x加速器

(And we’d like to keep it that way, unless a nice scientist down there would like one.)

This is our approximate distribution of Boxes in March 2023:


Another bonus is that the Box can speak any language. So far, we have stories told in Swedish, Japanese, isiZulu, Spanish, French, English, a variety of North American Frog, and more. It’s also great for students to translate their collections so they’re bilingual.

shadow x加速器

  • Our newsletter is infrequent and apparently not too bad
  • We have a public Slack channel you are welcome to join
  • Follow along on Twitter or Instagram for snippets
  • Visit the Contact Us page if you need our address to send us chocolates or other related gifts